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"...even the wicked get worse than they deserve." - Willa Cather, One of Ours

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Bush’s speech

THE MESOPOTAMIAN (Sunni from Baghdad)
I have just listened to President Bush’s speech on CNN. I just couldn’t leave the keyboard without saying something. Because the warmth of the Presidents’ words of friendship and commitment to our people really did make my eyes moisten. Not even the openly hostile report by the CNN reporter could spoil the feeling.

God will be on the side of good men, and it is clear for this middle-aged man who the good men are.
Hail dear El Bush. Thanks to you and all the Coalition men and women. Long may live our alliance and friendship. Victory by the Grace and Help of Allah is assured.

...The results of the poll with I have posted are interesting:
On "Coalition should leave now"
Sunni: yes=29%, Shia: yes=12%, Kurds: yes=2%
Compare with these results:
On question of "Are attacks on Coalition forces acceptable?"
Sunni: acceptable=36% unacceptable=57%
Shia: acceptable=12% unacceptable=85%
Kurds: acceptable=2% unacceptable=96%

The percentages for the Shia and Kurds are exactly the same for both questions, which is consistent. However it is the position of the Sunnis that is interesting: 36% think that attacks on Coalition forces are acceptable (still a minority, but a sizable one), only 29% however think that the Coalition should leave immediately. A friend has noticed this difference and speculates that perhaps this 7% like the target practice!

Should the Coalition leave now:..the overall percentage is about 15% of the population. This means that 85% percent of the population supports the continued mission of the Coalition...Despite of all our sacrifices, and life of terror and discomfiture, this is the true sentiment of the people in mathematical form.
...American and Allied friends of the Iraqi people, take note and don’t be deceived by the hysterical propaganda of our common enemies.

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