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"...even the wicked get worse than they deserve." - Willa Cather, One of Ours

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Frank Discussions: John Derbyshire

IMAO (generic weirdo)  

...John Derbyshire is a columnist, author, mathematician, uncredited thug, general curmudgeon, and one writer at National Review I wouldn't try and replace. He's decidedly as non-PC as they get, and often sports controversy because of it (he once put up a math problem about monkeys and it scared me)...

Q. So what's it like writing for National Review? Is it fun fun fun everyday, or is it your own private hell that you suffer with dignity and grace?
A. A laff riot, except for those times they call you up and say: "Can you give us 1,000 words on energy policy by 4 o'clock?" That's when you try desperately to forget the combination code for the handgun safe.

Q. You seem to court controversy a lot more than other writers at National Review (one of the quotes for your merchandise is about how you have some opinions that aren't "respectable"). Is that because you're more daring or because everyone else is a pansy?
A. I think mostly it's just that I'm older. Grew up in the age before PC. Never internalized the necessary restraints. The NR people have only recently weaned me off saying "Negro."...
This man is a total freak of nature.

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