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"...even the wicked get worse than they deserve." - Willa Cather, One of Ours

Monday, March 22, 2004

Money, Money, Money, Money

Matthew Yglesias (Liberal)

Atrios and readers have raised an impressive sum for John Kerry, but it's still a drop in the bucket compared to what Bush has. Even if Kerry meets his target of $10 million in 10 days and keeps up that pace every day until the convention, he's still going to be in trouble. We still don't really know where all the GOP soft money has gone, and believe me, there's going to be a lot of it. Also keep in mind that they'll be out-fundraising the Democrats in every contested Senate, House, and Governor's election; the RNC will have more money than the DNC; the state Republican Parties will have more money than the state Democratic Parties.

...Anyone who thinks the GOP strategy of launching factually bogus attacks that Kerry can’t afford to respond to won’t work is living in a dream world...

Actually, the Democrats have had a huge advantage in soft money in recent years. The GOP does a much better job of getting small donations, contrary to the conventional wisdom. Indeed, when McCain-Feingold passed, most observers thought it would really hurt the Democrats for precisely that reason—because it would exacerbate the Republican advantage in hard money. Thanks to organizations like that has not been the case.

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