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"...even the wicked get worse than they deserve." - Willa Cather, One of Ours

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Al Sadr & the Baathists

by Alaa

...Regarding Al Sadr, probably a negotiated settlement is quite likely. An attack on Najaf is going to be a massive mistake, and would give the man much more importance than he actually has, however I do understand the necessity for exerting military pressure. More important, however is to control Baghdad, we are hearing a lot of talk about bringing the fight to Baghdad. Stringent security measures on the lines that I advocated months ago should be put in place immediately, although quite late by now, but still better late than never.

I have not much time to comment today. Inshallah you will have more posts. So far we are still basically confined to our homes. The danger is still great. Now I see the "Baath Party" is rearing its head again and issuing declarations extolling the glories of the April Intifadha as they call the latest events, and attacking an criticising Al Sistani. This was reported in some of the Internet sites. It seems that their hopes are uplifted and they probably seriously dream of a comeback, through the terrorists methods we are witnessing. In any case the Zarqawi manual is being implemented to the letter. This all important document is worth reading and rereading and can serve us as much as it serves the adversary. He did say that they have to come out in the open and control the day as well as the night as the date of the "Handover" approaches.
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