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"...even the wicked get worse than they deserve." - Willa Cather, One of Ours

Thursday, April 22, 2004

CPA: Insurgents on Drugs

CPA Briefing

MR. SENOR:...Fallujans must work to remove foreign fighters, drug users, former Mukhabarat, Special Republican Guard, former Fedayeen Saddam, and other serious, dangerous, violent criminals operating out of Fallujah....

Q: ...who are these drug users, and what kind of drugs are they using, and what is their role in the insurgency up there?

MR. SENOR: On your second point -- or your final question -- I'll let General Kimmitt handle the front end -- we have been told by -- our delegation has been told by Fallujan leaders that many of the individuals involved with the violence are on some -- are on various drugs. It is part of what they're using to keep them up to engage in this violence at all hours. And the Fallujans leaders, the political and civic leaders with whom we've been talking, have repeatedly expressed this to be a serious problem, that the drug use by those engaged in the violence is something that we need to address. And so it was based on those recommendations that that was included in the communique, the joint communique. And it is one of the issues that we want to take on... they are not crazy and self-destructive...they have a disease. Drug addiction...Just Say No!

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