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"...even the wicked get worse than they deserve." - Willa Cather, One of Ours

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

"Iraq is George Bush's Vietnam"

Balckfive (US Army just returned fm Iraq)

...Ted Kennedy - patron of special interests and political hack.

How do we re-establish the working relationships we need with other countries to win the war on terrorism and advance the ideals we share?
And how can we possibly expect President Bush to do that?

He's the problem, not the solution. Iraq is George Bush's Vietnam, and this country needs a new President.
No, Teddy. The problem is you - politicians like you could help us win the war, but instead you try to defeat your own country to serve your self interests. Iraq isn't Vietnam (here's a little reminder for you - your brother started a war that consisted of decades of conflict and 58,000 KIA).

You want Iraq to be Vietnam. And I don't think you give a damn about my friends serving there today.

How many servicemen and women out there support Ted Kennedy? Anyone?

Update: I guess I should also add a disclaimer that I find Senator Kennedy to be a vile creature who is baiting insurgents to attack our troops. He's basically informing them that it'll take just a few more hits for America to run away.

What do you think the effect would be if all of our Senators were behind the President, our military and our allies, and said, "You attack our forces in Iraq, and we will destroy you."?
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