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"...even the wicked get worse than they deserve." - Willa Cather, One of Ours

Friday, April 16, 2004

It wasn't quite Sister Souljah, but it was close

The New Republic (liberal)

..."You said, 'Stay the course,' but what the U.S. is doing is bombing hospitals, bombing mosques, killing hundreds of civilians," Mr. Daum, 64, said. "Is that the criminal course you want to stay? It's an imperialist country fighting an imperialist war. At one time you opposed an imperialist war. I'm old enough to have done that myself."

Mr. Daum, who called himself a socialist, continued: "People hate George Bush. But by the end of your presidency, people will hate you for the same thing."

As several people in the audience hooted in support, Mr. Kerry answered: "I have consistently been critical of how we got where we are. But we are where we are, sir, and it would be unwise beyond belief for the United States of America to leave a failed Iraq in its wake. What we need to do is help transition to stability, that helps recognize people's rights. I'm sure you want to recognize people's rights."

"I want the Americans out!" Mr. Daum shouted.

"Yes, and I want the Americans out--" Mr. Kerry started.

"No you don't, you say, 'Stay the course'!" Mr. Daum shouted again.

"Stay the course of leaving a stable Iraq," Mr. Kerry said, finally winning a round of applause.
I would have preferred that Kerry be more emphatic about how irresponsible it would be to leave Iraq now. And I would also have preferred that Kerry not strive so hard to find common ground with someone so, er, irresponsible. (You can practically see Kerry trying to override his instinct to pander--and failing, if only briefly.) But Kerry did stick to his story under what looks like intense pressure, in a pretty hostile environment, and he deserves to be commended for it.
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