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"...even the wicked get worse than they deserve." - Willa Cather, One of Ours

Monday, April 12, 2004

Who does the public believe?

Rasmussen Reports (polling data)
The 9/11 Hearings

In the wake of Condoleezza Rice's testimony before a national television audience, 50% of American voters have a favorable view of the nation's National Security Advisor. Just 24% have an unfavorable view, while 26% are not sure or do not know who she is...

...Among those who were following the story closely, Rice was viewed favorably by 56% and unfavorably by 28%.

Rice's numbers are far better than those for Richard Clarke, the former Clinton and Bush official whose testimony two weeks ago kicked off a media frenzy. Following yesterday's testimony, Clarke is viewed favorably by just 27% of voters and unfavorably by 42%.

...half of all Americans thought Clarke made his accusations against President Bush in order to help sell books or help the Kerry campaign.

...Today's Presidential tracking poll numbers:
Bush 47%
Kerry 44%
This week's news was filled with disaster in Iraq and highly skeptical reporting about Bush's honesty concerning the 9/11 commission.

Even so, Bush gained 5 points and Kerry lost 4 points over the same time period.
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