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"...even the wicked get worse than they deserve." - Willa Cather, One of Ours

Thursday, May 06, 2004

GoreTV: Thanks But No Thanks

San Francisco Chronicle

..."I wish they would throw caution to the wind and call themselves liberal, " Alterman said. "If you look at (the liberals on) the best-seller list of the past year, that's enough people to make a cable station work. ... I don't get why they think going after an incredibly crowded (youth) market would work, when they could have a market all to themselves."

Cable industry analyst Gary Arlen said the crowded marketplace made it difficult for any channel not owned by a conglomerate to get picked up by a local cable system.

"The problem is, cable is inundated with ideas for specialized channels...It's a matter of the cable operators -- and there's only a handful, like Comcast, Adelphia, Charter and Time Warner -- that decide what goes on their channels."

And those operators may not have any love for Gore. As a U.S. senator from Tennessee, Gore helped impose cable regulation in the Cable Act of 1992, according to John Higgins, deputy editor of Broadcasting and Cable magazine.

"I can't imagine a guy on earth who's going to have a more difficult time securing carriage from these cable operators than Al Gore," Higgins said. "He cost these guys multiple billions of dollars back in the day."...
It's never easy for the good guys.
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