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"...even the wicked get worse than they deserve." - Willa Cather, One of Ours

Thursday, May 13, 2004

It's Time to Suck It Up, George

Roger Simon
...We've been through more BS about Iraq and more twists, turns and potholes than on the road from Kanapali to Hana. The worst of us and the best of us have appeared and disappeared. But we are at a fork in the road and one sign says democracy and the other says fascism and chaos. It's time for "W" to suck it up...and forget about one thing...the election...because we're long past worrying about anything so dopey as Democrats versus Republicans. This is about civilization, not somebody's job or potholes in the Hana road or on our local streets or even tax rates. Forget about Tip O'Neill. "All politics is local," seems like a pretty trivial statement when people are getting their throats cut for being Americans. It's time for "W" to be like Kobe...Whether the wins or loses, it's time "to leave it on the court."
Except for the wierd basketball analogy, I agree completely. Either W backs up ME reform plan with the policies and resources to get it done, or he will be depicted by history as just another political phoney. I am not optimistic.
Six months before the November election, President Bush has slipped into a politically fragile position that has put his reelection at risk, with the public clearly disaffected by his handling of the two biggest issues facing the country: Iraq and the economy.
Bush's incapacity to admit making a mistake is a serious liability.
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