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"...even the wicked get worse than they deserve." - Willa Cather, One of Ours

Friday, May 21, 2004

Kerry Ponders Delay in Party Nod

Washington Post
Sen. John F. Kerry (Mass.) may take the unprecedented step of delaying formal acceptance of his nomination as the Democratic candidate for president this summer in an effort to reduce President Bush's financial advantage for the general election campaign, Kerry advisers said Friday.

Campaign officials confirmed that they are actively considering an extraordinary plan, under which Kerry would not be formally nominated at the Democratic National Convention in late July and instead would be designated as the party's nominee weeks later, around the time of the Republican convention at the end of August.
National party conventions don't actually select the nominees any more. They are primarily media events for communicating with the public.

What incentive does the media have for covering a nominating convention that won't nominate anyone?

This is a dumb idea.

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