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"...even the wicked get worse than they deserve." - Willa Cather, One of Ours

Friday, May 21, 2004

Liberals on the Reporting Standards of Sy Hersh

Lexis Nexis Today
A history of questionable reporting

What do many liberals think of the journalism of Seymore Hersh?

Senator Ted Kennedy: "This story is a fiction and we don't intend to comment any further on this maliciousness and innuendo...Scurrilous."

Jules Witcover (the Baltimore Sun's senior politcal reporter for 45 years): "Hersh's attributions generally fall short of normal journalistic yardsticks. More important, many of his conclusions are weakly substantiated by his research and highly questionable...Particularly arguable are the innuendoes in which he indulges and the conclusions to which he jumps on the basis of his raw material."

Douglas Brinkley (John Kerry's biographer): "Hersh has squandered his credibility and one can only assume he did it for money."

Arthur Schlesinger (historian): "the most gullible investigative reporter I've ever encountered"

Martin Peretz (editor-in-chief of The New Republic): "there is hardly anything [he writes] that shouldn't be suspect."

Theodore Sorensen (speechwriter for JFK): "a pathetic collection of wild stories."

Gen. Barry McCaffrey (Clinton's Drug Zsar): "Hersh and his article lack integrity. That's the bottom line. He maligns the characters of 26,000 great young soldiers who conducted a 400 kilometer attack successfully, where thank god we only lost eight killed and 36 wounded... What he's doing is recycling charges that were investigated in 1991."

Paul A. Engelmayer (U.S. Attorney): "plays a little fast and loose with the facts."

Seymore Hersh on his own reporting: "If the standard for being fired was being wrong on a story, I should have been fired long ago."

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