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"...even the wicked get worse than they deserve." - Willa Cather, One of Ours

Wednesday, May 05, 2004


Political Animal

Want proof that a picture is worth a thousand words? Or in this case, more like a million. Check out this story from CNN:

U.S. soldiers reportedly posed for photographs with partially unclothed Iraqi prisoners, a Pentagon official told CNN on Tuesday.

A second source confirmed that the Army's Criminal Investigation Division has focused on these pictures, which may depict male and female soldiers.

....In addition, a senior Pentagon official said the investigation is focused on Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad, which had been notorious for torture of Iraqis during the regime of captured Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

....The official that the Army is deeply concerned about possible problems of "poor discipline, poor leadership, and a need for re-training," in the military police community.
That was written three months ago, on January 21. Nobody picked it up. Nothing on 60 Minutes, nothing in al-Jazeera, nothing in the blogosphere.

But throw in a few pictures...

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