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"...even the wicked get worse than they deserve." - Willa Cather, One of Ours

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Saddam did have WMD plans says inspector


SADDAM Hussein had the ability to unleash biological and chemical weapons "at short notice" on foreign nations, according to a potentially explosive new report by inspectors.

The leaked document, written by Charles Duelfer, the new director of the Iraq Survey group, concludes that hard evidence does exist that Saddam had the ability to wreak terror with the weaponry.

Furthermore, there was evidence that he was plotting to expand his facilities last year, prior to the invasion of British and American troops.

The report will be seized on gratefully by London and Washington as they continue to fight the case for war. One Foreign Office official described it last night as "hopeful".

But critics of the war immediately hit back, claiming that Duelfer, a CIA special adviser, was simply offering the US and UK what they wanted to hear...
Even if true, I don't see how this helps Blair or Bush. But then again, I never thought they were really hurt much by this issue either.

The "Bush/Blair Lied" folks won't change their opinions, but they have always been a relatively small proportion of the public (maybe 20%-30%), even in Britain. Even if this report is pure propaganda, it will still tend to blunt these criticisms among the public. But on the other hand, journalists will ignore this new report regardless of its supposed validity. So, this whole issue won't have much of a political impact either way.

This is the type of issue that the historians will have to sort out 20 years from now.

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