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"...even the wicked get worse than they deserve." - Willa Cather, One of Ours

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Iraqi Poll: I am For and Against the Americans

A public opinion poll found today that almost two-thirds of Iraqis oppose the presence of the US-led military in their country, but a majority do not wish them to leave because their departure would lead to even greater violence.

The survey by the private Iraq Centre for Research and Strategic Studies (ICRSS) reflected once more Iraq’s contradictory feelings about US troops and the parlous security situation across the country...
This has been consistant with all the polls of the Iraqi public in the last year, although only the first part is usually reported in the media.
This poll makes sense to me. If a bunch of foreigners invaded the US promising to "liberate" us from George Bush, no doubt we wouldn't feel very happy about it--to say the least. The term "insurgents" is simply Orwellian doublespeak. To the British monarchy the American colonists were "insurgents" or "rebels" as well. Of course, in this country we consider the colonists as patriots. Everything is relative.

The point is however you slice it the Iraq war is an imperial adventure, and the Iraqi people understand this implicitly. It's only here in the US that this is anathema due to propaganda and mindless nationalism.

D. Bishop
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