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"...even the wicked get worse than they deserve." - Willa Cather, One of Ours

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Victory for Terrorists

Boots on the Ground (US Army soldier in Iraq)
Manila has now given in to the growing sentiment going on in it's own country to leave the United States. I didn't even know these guys were in the "Coalition of the Willing." So, now a hostage is being released. This sounds like a victory for the terrorists. Is there any nation that exists today that has the balls to fight something worth fighting for? Frankly, seeing that the Iraqis seem more than ready and willing to pick up where the Coalition left off and are doing most of the tough grunt work. What is really pathetic is this country can't even band together during a war. I mean, in WWII, there was no better way to unite us than to attack us and start a war with us. Now, if you attack us, we will be united for a few months and then we'll start fighting with each other again. How pathetic is this, this must be really encouraging for terrorists to watch on TV.
This will be long counter-insurgency campaign in Iraq. It will last until around 2010-2015. I expect US combat fatalities to be in the 3000+ range. This fight is more a battle of wills rather than strength.

The question is -- are the terrorists right? Has our wealth and social advancement made our society so decadent that it cannot resist an attack by barbarians who will fight for decades, and without any tactical limits? Are all advanced societies doomed to go the way of Rome? Is the Progressive goal of social, economic and political progress an illusion that will always fail?

The only way we can lose is if we choose not to win.

It is going to be a long war.

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